Anger Management - Self-Reflection Prompts
Anger Management - Self-Reflection Prompts cover

Anger Management - Self-Reflection Prompts

Discover insights and strategies to manage anger effectively through self-reflection prompts.

Instructor: Dr Pooja Patel

Language: English

Validity Period: Lifetime

₹1500 90% OFF



This course on Anger Management provides a series of self-reflection prompts to help individuals explore their anger triggers, emotions, and reactions. Through guided exercises and journal prompts, participants will gain insights into their anger patterns and develop healthy coping strategies.

Key Highlights:

  • Explore anger triggers
  • Develop healthy coping strategies
  • Enhance self-awareness

What you will learn:

  • Reflect on Anger Triggers
    Identify the root causes of your anger and gain a deeper understanding of your triggers.
  • Cultivate Self-Awareness
    Learn to recognize early signs of anger and cultivate mindfulness in managing your emotions.
  • Implement Healthy Coping Strategies
    Explore effective techniques to manage anger constructively and foster emotional well-being.
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